Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Wisdoms of Our Ancestors Part 1

The knowledge that our ancestors had about medicinal plants is irrefutable and one can not deny the fact that they know what plants to use for which ailments. I marvel at how smart they were which humbles me and have developed a greater love and respect for them.

During our ancestors’ navigation across the Pacific Ocean, they had developed a type of calendar based upon the different stages of the moon, trade winds, hurricane season and their different type of crops, even the fishes in the ocean. Their calendar tells us what type of weather to expect, what kind of crops to plant or harvest and many more. Our Tongan traditional calendar consists of 13 months instead of 12. The first month is called Lihamu’a which also accompanied by some type of “ancient chants.”

Ko au ni ko Lihamu’a
‘Uluaki mahina fakakuonga mu’a
Ko e mafana ‘oku ou ha’u mo au
Pea moto ai ‘a e ngaahi ‘akau
Hoto hingoa ngali fakaofo
Ko e fanafanau ai e oo
‘Oku lau ‘i ho no talatupu’a
Ko e ‘omi mei Pulotu tokua

In the final analysis, the first month was identified as Lihamu’a and tells of the kind of weather to expect which is warm. It also described the stages of the plants in nature as being in the budding stage. It seems to point to the future as in harvesting fruits. Concomitantly, it also foretold the birth of the fish known as “oo” which can supplement fruits and crops for proteins. This type of calendar was not made by chance but I believe that it was a result of studying botany, astronomy, oceanography and meteorology not in classrooms like ours but in their daily lives and the knowledge that were passed down from the previous generations. They were experts in these fields but without the M.S & PhDs besides their names. They did not need them for they obtained their knowledge from God who dwells in the Heavens above (Pulotu).

If our ancestors were not smart, we would not be here today. But we are here!

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